But why, God?
Dear my future daughter,
It’s extremely difficult to let go of the control that we think we have and to trust God in His plans. The now seems to encompass our whole mindset. It’s not until I’ve put a few years between a difficult time and the present, that I can look back with real perspective. Only then am I able to turn around, see my “why God?”s, and the times I was the most broken… and suddenly am aware of His hands in everything.
I prayed to get into Dartmouth, to later find that Rice U was the biggest blessing and that my home was in Texas.
I prayed for a good grade on my big exam, to later discover more effective ways to study that would prepare me better for all my classes.
I prayed for an ex-boyfriend to change and value honesty, to later have Cole show me an incredible pure and easy love.
I prayed relentlessly to get a job at one consulting firm, to later find out years later that the company went under…
It's amazing to realize that the prayers I had prayed so passionately at the time are often ones that I am to this day so happy went unanswered. If what I thought I wanted or needed happened every time, I’d be more lost than before. It’s only through God’s often unpredictable plan that I have found myself on these new incredible paths – paths that have grown me into someone stronger and more capable of serving others.
So, in your lightest and your darkest moments, it's important to remember this:
· God is in control.
· God’s eternal promise is greater than ANYTHING in this world.
· In the end, there is nothing worldly to be afraid of – you have the most incredible safety net in His arms.
Prayer is powerful, but find hope in that sometimes there are gifts in unanswered prayers.